Ready or not, we’re diving into the next big thing in social media! Say hello to Threads, Meta’s shiny new app that’s garnered over 100 million users in its first week, and continues to grow. While it may look similar to Twitter (or what’s now known as X, thanks to Elon Musk), Meta developed Threads to operate as a bridge between you, your friends, and your favorite brands. The Instagram-parent and the mega-mind behind Facebook and the Metaverse, Meta was able to build quite a bit of buzz around the new platform quickly – but what exactly does Threads bring to the table? Why are brands and users all over it, and more importantly, do you or your business need to have a presence on it? Let’s break it down into the 3 things you need to know about Threads right now.
What You Need to Know About Threads
1. How It Works
Similar to Twitter, Threads is a text-based conversation app that showcases a mix of short posts from accounts followed by the user, as well as accounts that are algorithmically suggested as “of interest.” These posts are sorted into a feed that updates in real time. And while the operation of the app isn’t revolutionary, the way its users can create their profile is. One of the ways Meta was able to grow Threads so quickly was by making it super easy for users to join and build their following. Instead of starting from scratch, Instagram users were able to link their existing account and automatically start following all the same people and brands over on Threads. This allowed users to have a feed full of relevant content right off the bat – and also enabled brands and influencers to carry many of their existing Instagram followers over to Threads. Genius.
2. It’s A Safe Space
The frenzy was fast as users of all kinds hopped aboard the all-things-Meta train–celebrities and big brand names included. The conversation quickly shifted from “Hello, is anyone there?” to welcoming witty banter and meme-style humor. The big departure from Twitter – er – X? Zuckerburg’s promise of a friendlier, better moderated space focused more on kindness, and less on confrontation. However, while the new ‘friendly environment’ proved to be an initial draw, the question remains if people will actually stick around for the long haul.
3. There’s No Advertising Ability – Yet
While the new app has proven its ability to draw and engage users, its value to advertisers is still a question mark. That said, it’s a Meta product, so we know it will eventually be monetized.
“Our approach will be the same as all our other products: make the product work well first, then see if we can get it on a clear path to 1 billion people, and only then think about monetization at that point,” Zuckerberg said.
Eager marketers don’t need to wait for Zuck to add ads, though – opportunities abound for sponsored content and influencer marketing campaigns on the growing platform.
Bottom Line: Keep An Eye On It
Social media moves like a bullet train–but the good news is, you don’t have to. Unless you consider your brand to be an early adopter – and being on all the newest platforms is important for your reputation – it’s ok to wait this one out and see how things unfold.
Now is a great time to observe – poke around – follow other accounts and see what is (and isn’t) working for them. Get a sense for the tone of the app and how users interact, both amongst themselves and with brands.
And when you’re ready to dive in – let us know! We’re here to help you sort out a strategy, create content and maximize your ROI. Get in touch with our team today.
About Ethos
Ethos is a multiplatform branding agency that develops and executes integrated marketing campaigns across multiple channels for companies inside and outside of Maine. At Ethos, we believe that the most effective way to set a company’s marketing course is by finding its core truth – its ethos. We know that once we discover and communicate that core truth, we can truly make a difference for each client’s unique marketing and business objectives. With Ethos, you get more than a marketing agency. You get a long-term partner whose goals are your goals. Learn more about the Ethos approach and the work we’ve done for our clients. Want to have a conversation about your brand’s core truth? Contact us today!